Friday, May 13, 2011

Jesters or geniuses?

As the presidential political machine is gearing up for 2012, a question crossed my mind: Is the GOP full of court jesters or are they geniuses?

Follow me her for a moment. In the 2008 election, they believed it to be a foregone conclusion that America would never elect a Black man. To that end, they allowed Sarah Palin to go "rogue."

This resulted in the emergence of the Tea Party movement, also referred to as the Tea Baggers by their opponents. Say what you will, but the Tea Partiers were organized and prepared. Enough so to wrestle the House and key governorships away from Democratic control in the 2010 elections.

Beyond that, I heard something today that started me to thinking. As is evident, the extreme right wing are great strategists and planners and this is what they propose:
1) A yet to be revealed "star" to claim the presidency
2) Donald Trump as Secretary of the Treasury
3) Sarah Palin as Secretary of Energy
4) John McCain as Secretary of Defense
5) Mitt Romney or Mike Huckabee as Secretary of State
6) Newt Gingrich as Vice President of the United States

Now here is the scary part. With their successes in 2010, it IS possible to recreate red states into blue states. And for all of those who think that this is an impossible proposition, let me introduce you to Chad who is often found hanging around voting polls and not counting one iota.

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Is Detroit a good backdrop for a zombie movie?

I had a conversation with a friend of mine last night who asked why I still lived in The City of Detroit when I could afford to live in any of her suburbs. Me being the King of Analogies (which includes hyperbole, similes, double entendres and sexual innuendos as well), I likened the crime experience to a zombie movie.

Like criminal activity, the zombies start low in numbers as the populous exits the inner city. As the disease of the undead continues to spread, there is always a scene of a "posse" encamped on a bridge picking off the zombies as they funnel across the waterway.

What often escaped the defenders of humanity, just as it escapes those who choose to exit their home to flee the plague of crime that pursues them, is that the zombie and the criminal is not subjected to the same rules that they follow.

Case in point: while the stalwarts are guarding the bridge, they forget that zombies are dead and therefore no longer breath and can therefore walk across the floor of the waterway to infiltrate what is being defended. Criminals don't follow the rules either. As the population shifts to safer accommodations, the criminal element shifts with them as they follow what they perceive to be wealth.

Until someone is brave enough to attack the source of the malady, to stand and fight against what seems to be overwhelming odds, evil will win. To paraphrase Edmund Burke, "In order for evil to succeed, all it takes is for good men to do nothing."

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