Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Proposal S: How should we vote

This November, Proposal S will grace our ballots. What is Proposal S? It is a bond referendum which seeks to take advantage of $500 million in stimulus funds that President Obama made available to build and modernize schools.

Those who oppose the Prop are doing so, but not for the reasons one might think. No higher taxes or an increased millage is not at the center of this issue, but that little thing called trust.

The people of Detroit have been burned more often than an albino living on the sun, so it stands to reason that they are skeptical when Mr. Bobb asks for our assistance in the passing of Proposal S.

A few years back, the citizens of Detroit passed a $1.5 billion proposal to help out the schools. That deal was racked with corruption, possible embezzlement, theft, pay-to-play deals and the Friends and Family way of life that has become so prevalent in Detroit.

The betrayal of public trust has jaded and disenfranchised the general populace of the city. As thousands lost their jobs and continued to pay taxes, the "entitled" few grew fat at the trough of DPS dollars and contracts.

I heard one angry Detroiter at one of Bobb's Town Hall Meetings exclaim, "Go after the money that was already stolen before you ask for more money." What came next silenced the entire auditorium.

Bobb explain that it would have been irresponsible to act on accusations and heresy in regards to the mismanagement of DPS funds and he has held depositions and interviews to get to the truth. He stated that he is now prepapred to hold hearings to act on what was discovered. He said and I quote, "I don't care if it was a penny stolen from DPS, if you were involved, I'm coming after you."

After hearing those words, I began to ponder. In this new age of change in government, when has Detroiters ever seen the kind if results Robert Bobb has produced in as little time? There are many Detroiters who still subscribe to the theory that only Detroiters can handle Detroit. I have a question for those people, how have Detroiters done by you thus far?

Here is a man who has provided positive results in a short amount of time. Okay I'll acquiesse that some of his decisions like some of the no-bid contracts were questionable. But when you consider the time crunch he was under to produce results, you can't argue with what he has produced. Also, the stimulus funds have a 2 1/2 year expiration date and will not cause a tax increase.

DPS will lose these funds if they are not untilized in 30 months. Mr. Bobb has a plan and a strategy to not only spend the funds wisely and created much needed jobs, but he also has a plan to oversee how the money and to who it is spent.

Mr. Bobb, I have just one question for you, what would it take to get you to run for mayor?

-- For the city I love, Detroit Dennis

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The owner of this blog recognizes and encourages freedom of speech, but will not endorse attacks for differences in opinions. --- Detroit Dennis